臨牀消化器内科 Vol.32 No.5(2-3)

特集名 肝疾患と栄養・サルコペニア
題名 肝硬変・肝癌患者の栄養療法(3)肝硬変患者に対するカルニチン補充療法の意義
発刊年月 2017年 05月
著者 斉藤 雅也 さいとう内科クリニック
【 要旨 】 潜在性脳症を有する肝硬変患者による交通死亡事故が社会問題になってきている.最近になって潜在性脳症の診断方法が確立され,本邦ではNPテスト(neuropsychiatric test)が診断に広く用いられるようになってきている.肝硬変患者のなかで潜在性脳症患者が占める割合は,前向き試験にて37.5%であった.潜在性脳症患者の半数は3年以内に顕在性脳症へと進展し予後不良となる.潜在性脳症患者に対するカルニチン補充療法により45.8%が改善効果を認めた.そして,カルニチン補充前の血清タウリン値が保たれているほど,脳症の改善が多くみられた.カルニチン補充療法は顕在性脳症への進展を抑制し予後を改善する可能性を秘めている.
Theme The Impact of Sarcopenia and Nutrition on Liver Diseases
Title Clinical Significance of Oral Supplementation with L—carnitine in Cirrhotic Patients with Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy
Author Masaya Saito Saito Clinic of Internal Medicine
[ Summary ] Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is associated with impaired driving skills and a significantly higher risk of motor vehicle crashes, which is an increasing social problem in the world. In Japan, the neuropsychiatric (NP) test is a diagnostic modality now widely available for the diagnosis of MHE. In our prospective study, MHE was noted in 37.5 % of patients diagnosed with cirrhosis who underwent the NP test. MHE is a known risk factor for overt hepatic encephalopathy (OHE), a serious type of hepatic encephalopathy that develops in more than 50 % of patients with MHE within 3 years. Transition to OHE is associated with poor prognosis, overall decline in liver function and shorter life expectancy. Oral supplementation with L‒carnitine demonstrated amelioration of MHE in 45.8 % of patients diagnosed with this condition. The MHE‒amelioration rate following L‒carnitine supplementation was better in the group that had a higher serum level of taurine before L‒carnitine supplementation than in that with a lower serum level of taurine before L‒carnitine was given. Oral supplementation with L‒carnitine, by suppressing the transition from MHE to OHE, could improve the prognosis of cirrhotic patients with MHE.