臨牀消化器内科 Vol.32 No.13(11)

特集名 消化器癌の拡大内視鏡診断
題名 SSA/P合併癌の拡大観察診断
発刊年月 2017年 12月
著者 伴野 繁雄 国立病院機構東京医療センター消化器科
著者 浦岡 俊夫 国立病院機構東京医療センター消化器科
著者 東 玲治 広島市立病院機構広島市民病院内視鏡内科
著者 木下 聡 国立病院機構東京医療センター消化器科
著者 森 英毅 国立病院機構東京医療センター消化器科
著者 西澤 俊宏 国立病院機構東京医療センター消化器科
【 要旨 】 SSA/PはMSI陽性大腸癌の前駆病変であるというコンセンサスが得られているが,SSA/Pに合併する癌に遭遇することはまれである.しかし,癌化した場合は比較的早期に深部へ浸潤する可能性があり,慎重な取り扱いが必要になる.過去のSSA/P合併癌に関する報告からは,拡大内視鏡の特徴的な所見として,NBI拡大観察によるcapillary pattern TypeIII,クリスタルバイオレット染色下でのV型pitを呈することが報告されている.自験例においても,SSA/P合併癌における拡大内視鏡観察では,前述の特徴が観察された.NBIを含めた拡大内視鏡観察はSSA/P合併癌の診断に有用と考える.
Theme Magnifying Endoscopic Diagnosis of Gastro‒intestinal Carcinomas
Title Magnified Characteristics of Coexistent Cancer with Sessile Serrated Adenoma/Polyp
Author Shigeo Banno Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
Author Toshio Uraoka Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
Author Reiji Higashi Department of Endoscopy, Hiroshima City Hospital Organization Hiroshima City Hiroshima Citizens Hospital
Author Satoshi Kinoshita Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
Author Hideki Mori Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
Author Toshihiro Nishizawa Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine, National Hospital Organization Tokyo Medical Center
[ Summary ] Sessile serrated adenoma and polyp (SSA/P) has been considered a precancerous lesion of colorectal serrated adenocarcinoma. Several guidelines for colon polyps have been indicated for the endoscopic treatment of SSA/P in the last several years. Although SSA/P is sometimes detected during cancer surveillance colonoscopy, cases with a coexistent cancer are remarkably rare. Hence, the colonoscopic characterization of these lesions could be difficult. We reviewed a few reports and our cases, and described the colonoscopic characteristics of coexistent cancer with SSA/P, especially in terms of magnified endoscopic findings. Our results showed that many coexistent dysplastic lesions present with double elevation, central depression, and reddishness in white light imaging. In magnified imaging, a type II pit pattern based on Kudo and Tsuruta's classification, in addition to type IIIL and IV pit patterns, seems to indicate adenomatous change, and tpye VI or VN pit patterns seem to indicate a cancerous lesion. Capillary pattern type III in Sano's classification also indicates cancer. Although some colonoscopic characteristics of coexistent cancer with SSA/P have been clarified in recent years, the prediction of depth of invasion and the diagnostic accuracy compared with white light imaging remains unclear. Further studies should be conducted to resolve these problems.