臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.4(6-4)

特集名 NASH ― 病態と治療
題名 NASHの成因と病態 (4) NASHにおける鉄代謝
発刊年月 2013年 04月
著者 光吉 博則 京都府立医科大学消化器内科
【 要旨 】 NASHやNAFLDでは鉄が肝臓に蓄積し,組織学的進展に関与していると考えられている.鉄蓄積による肝障害にはフリーの鉄イオンによる活性酸素の発生が関与するが,実質細胞や非実質細胞の鉄蓄積パターンによっても影響を受ける.過剰な鉄が肝臓に蓄積する原因は不明だが,ヘモクロマトーシス遺伝子の変異やインスリン抵抗性が関連している.肝細胞で合成されるhepcidinは過剰な鉄蓄積を抑制する負の鉄代謝制御因子である.NAFLDではhepcidinの鉄代謝調節機能が障害されている可能性がある.除鉄はNASH の肝病態改善の治療法として有用である.
Theme NASH -- Pathogenesis and Treatment
Title Iron Overload in Nonalcoholic FattyLiver Disease
Author Hironori Mitsuyoshi Department of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
[ Summary ] Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have been described as being associated with hyperferritinemia and hepatic iron overload. Hepatic iron deposition is believed to be involved in the development of NASH, since excessive hepatic iron produces reactive oxygen species which exacerbate liver injury. In addition, the pattern of hepatic iron deposition plays a role in disease development. However, whether parenchymal iron deposition or non-parenchymal iron deposition contributes to progressive liver injury remains to be determined. The mechanisms underlying hepatic iron overload in NAFLD have not been elucidated. Mutations of the hemochromatosis gene (C282Y and H63D) and insulin resistance have been connected to disturbances in iron metabolism. It is known that mammalian iron homeostasis is regulated by hepcidin. Hepcidin, which is exclusively synthesized by hepatocytes, causes internalization and degradation of the iron-transporter ferroportin on duodenal enterocytes and macrophages, thereby blocking iron absorption and iron recycling. The negative feedback system for hepcidin production, to mitigate iron overload, may be impaired in NAFLD, cases leading to iron dysmetabolism and hepatic iron overload. Iron removal therapy may improve not only liver function but also insulin resistance in patients with NASH.