臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.10(4)

特集名 PEGの現状
題名 PEGに用いられる栄養剤と投与方法
発刊年月 2013年 09月
著者 蟹江 治郎 ふきあげ内科胃腸科クリニック
著者 鈴木 裕介 名古屋大学医学部大学院医学系研究科地域包括ケアシステム学寄附講座
【 要旨 】 PEG(経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術)に用いられる栄養剤は,さまざまな視点により分類がなされる.まず,窒素源が人工物であるか否か,また窒素源の分解の程度により,天然濃厚流動食,半消化態栄養,消化態栄養,そして成分栄養に分類される.また,医療保険制度から見た場合では,医薬品扱いの製品と食品扱いの製品に分類される.流動食の形状では,粉末状栄養,液状栄養,半固形化栄養に分類される.
Theme The Present State of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG)
Title PEG Nutrients and Feeding Methods
Author Jiro Kanie Section of Internal Medicine, Fukiage Clinic for Gastroenterology
Author Yusuke Suzuki Department of Comprehensive Community Care Systems, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Nutrients used for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) feeding can be classified into various categories. The first are those which can be a source of nitrogen whether artificial or natural. Further categories are those providing natural condensed liquid nutrients, semi-digested nutrients, digested nutrients, or elementary nutrients depending on the degree of decomposition of nitric sources. In terms of medical insurance policies, these nutrients are regarded as either medical/pharmaceutical products or food products. Degree of solution can classify them into powder-like nutrients, liquid nutrients or semi-solid nutrients. Methods of administration vary depending on the type of nutrients. If nutrients are liquid, they are dripped at slow administration rates with subjects kept in a head-up (over 30 degree) position. Semi-solid nutrients should be infused over a short period of time (appx. 3-5 min.) because responsive ballooning of the stomach cannot be induced by slow administration.