臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.12(2-2)

特集名 早期食道癌 -- 病型分類と深達度から
題名 早期食道癌の診断 (2) 内視鏡診断 b.色素法による深達度診断
発刊年月 1997年 11月
著者 吉田 操 東京都立駒込病院外科
著者 門馬 久美子 同 内科
【 要旨 】 食道粘膜癌に対する内視鏡的粘膜切除法の出現により,食道粘膜癌も治療前に深達度の精密な評価が要求される.0-IIa病変では,色素内視鏡検査は深達度診断には有効性が認められない.0-IIb病変は,上皮内癌であるので病型の適用が正確であればよい.色素法のもっとも役立つのは0-IIc型病変で,病型の頻度がもっとも高く,二重染色法による深達度診断が正確である.深達度m1は,淡青色の不染帯でタタミの目襞が温存されている.深達度m2の場合は,不染帯中に青い点状,網の目状濃染紋様がある.m3病変では陥凹が青く濃染し,タタミの目襞が中断する.この結果を利用して深達度別の分布が推定できる.診断精度はm1~2:96%,m3~sm1:75%である.
Theme Early Esophageal cancer-from the Viewpoint of its Type and the Depth of Invasion
Title Endoscopic Evaluation of Cancer Invasion into the Esophageal Wall in Cases with Mucosal Cancers of the Esophagus -Application of Endoscopic Staining Techniques-
Author Misao Yoshida Department of Surgery,Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome General Hospital
Author Kumiko Momma Gastroenterology,Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome General Hospital
[ Summary ] Mucosal cancers of the esophagus could be classified into three types (0-IIa : slightly elevated type, 0-IIb : flat type and 0-IIc : slightly depressed type). Detection had been difficult because these cancers showed minimal abnormalities on endoscopy.
The endoscopic iodine staining technique can delineate a mucosal cancer as a yellowish-white unstained area against dark brown normal mucosa, facilitating endoscopic detection. Most type 0-IIa lesions are mucosal cancers and 0-IIb lesions intraepithelial cancers. Type 0-IIc lesions are most frequent among mucosal cancers and the depth of cancer invasion is distributed from the epithelium, and the lamina propria mucosae to the submucosa. The endoscopic toluidine blue-iodine double staining technique provided precise differentiation of cancers confined to the epithelium (pale blue, passing fine transversal mucosal folds), the lamina propria mucosae (dark blue dots or reticular staining in the unstained area) and the muscularis mucosae (shallow, distinct depression with coarse granular changes which could stain dark blue. Fine transversal mucosal folds were interrupted at their margin). In cases with type 0-IIc mucosal cancers confined to the epithelium and the lamina propria mucosae, the accuracy rate in estimating cancer invasion was 96 %.