臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.13(5-1)

特集名 透析(腎代替療法)導入時期を考える
題名 慢性透析導入基準(1992) (1) 作成背景と今後の策定に望むもの
発刊年月 2012年 12月
著者 伊丹 儀友 日鋼記念病院腎センター
著者 川口 良人 神奈川県立汐見台病院顧問/東京慈恵会医科大学 腎・高血圧内科客員教授
【 要旨 】 1992年透析導入基準は,腎機能評価,臨床症状,生活障害度をスコア化し,60点以上であれば透析導入を妥当とする基準案であった.腎機能評価に最高でも30点しか与えず,患者の臨床症状や日常生活障害程度に重きをおいた案だった.わが国の透析導入患者の平均推定糸球体濾過量は5mL/min/1.73m2台で,欧米のガイドラインの推奨透析導入腎機能より低かった.わが国の統計調査で,それがより高値の腎機能で透析導入となった患者よりも予後が良好であったことが判明した.1992年透析導入基準の影響とも考えられ,成り立ちの背景,経緯を追った.
Theme Considering the timing of chronic dialysis (renal replacement therapy) initiation
Title Circumstances concerning creation of 1992 Ministry of Welfare standards
Author Noritomo Itami Nikko Memorial Hospital, Kidney Center
Author Yoshindo Kawaguchi Kanagawa Prefectural Shiomidai Hospital / Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, The Jikei University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The 1992 Dialysis Initiation Standards were proposed to score kidney function, clinical condition and lifestyle limitations. If the score was 60 points or more, the initiation of dialysis was deemed appropriate. The maximum score allowed for kidney function was 30 points, thus the proposal placed an emphasis on the patient's clinical condition and lifestyle limitations. The average estimated glomerular filtration rate of patients starting dialysis in Japan was approximately 5 mL/min, lower than the kidney function dialysis initiation recommendations established by European or American guidelines. It became clear, through a survey of Japanese statistics, that patients starting dialysis with a higher level of kidney function had worse prognoses. Considering these results are influenced by the 1992 Dialysis Initiation Standards, we investigated the circumstances and process of the standard's creation.