臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.6(2-6)

特集名 維持透析患者の整形外科的疾患―手術の適応と非適応
題名 [各論]四肢切断
発刊年月 2010年 06月
著者 花岡 英二 千葉社会保険病院整形外科
著者 室谷 典義 千葉社会保険病院整形外科・透析科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の重症下肢虚血に対し,血行再建術,経皮的経管的血管形成術,血管新生療法などにより,大切断に至らずに救肢できることが多くなっている.しかし,虚血の改善が得られないときは,切断にならざるをえない.また,小さな傷でも足病変の状態を把握し,感染の有無を確認すべきである.おろそかにすると,透析患者の壊疽は,もともと全身状態が悪いことが多く,死に至る危険性があることを認識しておくべきである.急速に壊疽が拡大するときは,早期に整形外科に依頼すべきである.足救済のためには,足病変を診たら,ゲートキーパーとなる医師への早期の受診が大切である.
Theme Orthopedic Diseases Seen in Maintenance Dialysis Patients -- Surgical Indication and Non-indication
Title Limb amputation in dialysis patients
Author Eiji Hanaoka Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Chiba Social Insurance Hospital
Author Noriyoshi Murotani Department of Hemodialysis, Chiba Social Insurance Hospital
[ Summary ] Critical limb ischemia results in considerable morbidity and mortality in dialysis patients. Favorable results have been reported concerning revascularization due to percutaneous transluminal angioplasty or transdermal angioplasty, making it possible to rescue the limb. However, when improvement of ischemia is not obtained, amputation must be performed. Even if the dialysis patient has only a small wound (stigma), care must be taken to confirm if infection is present. Since the general condition of gangrenous dialyzed patients is not good from the outset, it is necessary to recognize that these patients have a high risk of death. It needs to consult an orthopaedic surgeon whenever gangrenous tissue develops rapidly. As soon as the patient's foot appears to develop into a morbid state, consultation with a doctor who can be considered to be the gatekeeper should be taken to avoid amputation.