INTESTINE Vol.14 No.5(2)

特集名 内科医にわかってほしいクローン病の外科治療
題名 クローン病における外科治療の意義
発刊年月 2010年 09月
著者 山田 英樹 帝京大学病院外科
著者 石原 聡一郎 帝京大学病院外科
著者 渡邉 聡明 帝京大学病院外科
【 要旨 】 クローン病は再燃と寛解を繰り返す疾患で,治療の基本は栄養,薬物療法といった内科的治療が原則であるが,時に外科的治療を要することもある.手術適応は狭窄がもっとも多く瘻孔,膿瘍,穿孔などで腸切除,狭窄形成術などが施行されるが,術後再発率,再手術率ともに高率であることが外科医の悩みどころである.とくに腸管切除においては,常に短腸症候群の危険性を念頭におかなければならない.よって手術適応を正しく見極め,適切な治療法を選択することが重要である.
Theme Surgical therapy for Crohn's disease -- Essentials for physician
Title Meaning of surgical treatment in Crohn's disease
Author Hideki Yamada Department of Surgery, Teikyo University
Author Souichirou Ishihara Department of Surgery, Teikyo University
Author Toshiaki Watanabe Department of Surgery, Teikyo University
[ Summary ] Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease with repeated periods of exacerbation and remission. Medical therapy plays a central role in management of the disease. Surgical therapy is indicated for complications such as intestinal obstructions, fistula, abscess and bowel perforations. However, surgery is not a curative treatment for Crhon's disease. Bowel resection is often performed, however, it is frequently associated with postoperative recurrence of symptoms. Repeated resections may result in short bowel syndrome. Thus, stricture-plasty is preferred, when possible, instead of resection. Recently, anti-TNF-α antibodies such as infliximab have been shown to be highly effective in medical treatment of Crohn's disease, and also are expected to reduce postoperative recurrence.